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Base map of the Czech Republic 1:50,000

Base map of the Czech Republic 1:50,000 (ZM 50) is part of the national map series and it captures the territory of the Czech Republic in a continuous map layout. It is the only one from the set of medium scale base maps, which displays the subjects of the map also outside the territory of the Czech Republic, it concerns all bordering map sheets of ZM 50. It shows a relatively large area in sufficient detail and therefore it is long-term the most used map base in the modified content versions for various thematic maps. Dimensions and designation of map sheets are derived from map sheet of Base Map of the Czech Republic 1:200,000 by dividing into four parts to the Base Map of the Czech Republic 1:100,000 and then to ZM 50. The name of the map sheet is usually the same as the name of the largest place (by population) displayed on the map sheet. The territory of the Czech Republic is captured on 211 map sheets. The dimensions of paper of the map are 62 x 46 cm, the map face, which in average shows an area of 450 km2, has a trapezoidal shape with a height of 38 cm and a length of bases from 47.03 to 49.22 cm. ZM 50 contains planimetry, altimetry and map lettering. The subjects of planimetry are settlements and individual objects, roads, hydrography, boundaries of administration and territorial units, boundaries of cadastre units (including technical units of territory), boundaries of protected areas, vegetation and surface of the land. The subject of altimetry is terrain relief displayed by contours and hachuring. The contour interval is 10 m. Map lettering consists of names of objects, contour values, spot heights, standardized geographical names, names and identification numbers of technical units of territory, frame and marginal informations. Each map sheet contains map legend with the selection of the most used map symbols. The map sheets contain planar rectangular grid (S- JTSK) and geographical graticule (ETRS89). ZM 50 has been processing by digital technology using Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED ®) and Database of geographic names of the Czech Republic Geonames.

Data identification

Source name: Base map of the Czech Republic 1:50,000
Alternative name: Base map of CR 1:50,000
Reference datum
Reference date: 2019-12-31
Event: revision
Data identifier
Unique identifier:
Unique identifier: 63224
Contact to the organisation responsible for the data
Person name: Jindrák, Přemysl, Ing..
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 041 425
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Other information:
Abstract: Base map of the Czech Republic 1:50,000 (ZM 50) is part of the national map series and it captures the territory of the Czech Republic in a continuous map layout. It is the only one from the set of medium scale base maps, which displays the subjects of the map also outside the territory of the Czech Republic, it concerns all bordering map sheets of ZM 50. It shows a relatively large area in sufficient detail and therefore it is long-term the most used map base in the modified content versions for various thematic maps. Dimensions and designation of map sheets are derived from map sheet of Base Map of the Czech Republic 1:200,000 by dividing into four parts to the Base Map of the Czech Republic 1:100,000 and then to ZM 50. The name of the map sheet is usually the same as the name of the largest place (by population) displayed on the map sheet. The territory of the Czech Republic is captured on 211 map sheets. The dimensions of paper of the map are 62 x 46 cm, the map face, which in average shows an area of 450 km2, has a trapezoidal shape with a height of 38 cm and a length of bases from 47.03 to 49.22 cm. ZM 50 contains planimetry, altimetry and map lettering. The subjects of planimetry are settlements and individual objects, roads, hydrography, boundaries of administration and territorial units, boundaries of cadastre units (including technical units of territory), boundaries of protected areas, vegetation and surface of the land. The subject of altimetry is terrain relief displayed by contours and hachuring. The contour interval is 10 m. Map lettering consists of names of objects, contour values, spot heights, standardized geographical names, names and identification numbers of technical units of territory, frame and marginal informations. Each map sheet contains map legend with the selection of the most used map symbols. The map sheets contain planar rectangular grid (S- JTSK) and geographical graticule (ETRS89). ZM 50 has been processing by digital technology using Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED ®) and Database of geographic names of the Czech Republic Geonames.
Responsible organisation
Person name: Jindrák, Přemysl, Ing..
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 041 425
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Maintenance info
Maintenance and update frequency: asNeeded
Date of planned source revision: 2017-01-01
Maintenance note: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Keyword: Buildings
Keyword: Land cover
Keyword: Hydrography
Keyword: Elevation
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2008-06-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Name of the organisation: Joint Research Centre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: base map of CR
Keyword: protected areas
Keyword: land use
Keyword: topomap
Keyword: map of the Czech Republic
Keyword: detailed scale
Keyword: scale 1:50,000
Keyword: scale 1:50000
Keyword: 50,000
Keyword: 50000
Keyword: continuous map layout
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datumOrganisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Source restriction
Access and use terms: Terms of trade
Data registered in the National Open Data Catalogue: No
Type of spatial representation: grid
Spatial resolution
Correspondent scale
Scale factor: 50000
Source language: cze
Character set: utf8
Thematic category: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
Thematic category: structure
Thematic category: transportation
Thematic category: environment
Thematic category: elevation
Thematic category: boundaries
Thematic category: inlandWaters
Thematic category: location
Data extension
Extent information: 100 % of the Czech Republic territory, i.e. 78,865 km2.
Geographic limitations
Minimal bounding box
Westernmost coordinate: 12.09
Easternmost coordinate: 18.86
Southernmost coordinate: 48.55
Northernmost coordinate: 51.06
Time extent 2006 - 2016
Altitude extension
Minimal value: 115.0
Maximal value: 1602.0

Reference system (horizontal, vertical or temporal)

Coordinate reference system identifier
Reference system citation
Source name: S-JTSK / Krovak East North
Alternative name: S-JTSK / Krovak EN
Reference date
Reference date: 2011-05-09
Event: revision
Other information:
Coordinate reference system identifier
Reference system citation
Source name: ETRS89 (geographic 2D)
Alternative name: European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
Reference date
Reference date: 2010-03-01
Event: revision
Other information: It is a geographical grid in ETRS89 coordinate system indicated at the frame of a map sheet.


Distribution formate
Name: TISK
Contact information:
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 047 425
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information: Přesné informace o otevírací době jednotlivých prodejen map jsou uvedeny na
Role: distributor
Means of order
Transfer possibilities
Units of distribution: ZM 50 map sheet (450 km2)
Size of transfer unit in MB: 0
Name: hardcopy

Data quality

Level of scope
Quality description level: series
Report - INSPIRE compliance
Test identifier: CZ-00025712-CUZK_ZM50_RB-DQ_DomainConsistency -1
Alternative name: DIRECTIVE 2007/2/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
Reference date
Reference date: 2007-04-26
Event: publication
Test description: Data set series conformity testing with INSPIRE implementing rules for spatial data sets and services interoperability.
Degree of conformity: false
Report – completness – omission
Measure name: Evaluation of completeness of Czech Republic territory coverage
Measure identification: CZ-00025712-CUZK_ZM50_T-DQ_CompletenessOmission-1
Measure description: Evaluation of completeness of Czech Republic territory coverage by the printed form of ZM 50.
Date and time of the measure: 2012-11-14T12:00:00
Test result – quantitative
Value domain: %
Value: 100
Data origin
Data origin information: ZM 50 has been processing by digital technology using Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED ®) and Database of geographic names of the Czech Republic Geonames with enhanced map content and enhanced colour resolution of selected types of vegetation and areas since 2002.

Portray catalogue

Citation from the portrayal catalogue
Source name: Comparative List of Map Symbols of the Base Maps of the CR 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 a 1:200,000
Alternative name: Comparative List of Map Symbols of the Medium-Scales Base Maps
Reference date
Reference date: 2015-01-01
Event: revision
Organisation responsible for the portrayal catalogue
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 041 425
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: originator