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Database of geographic names of the Czech Republic (Geonames)

Product information
NameDatabase of geographic names of the Czech Republic (Geonames)
Commercial code63710
Export unitcountry
Unit priceNo charges
Export formatsFGDB, GPKG
Coordinate systemsS-JTSK / Krovak East North, ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N (N-E)
Product descriptionGeonames is the database of geographic names of the Czech Republic. It is a system for administration of named features. A standard geographic name is maintained as a part of attribute information to approx. 165 types of named features. Geometric representation of some Geonames objects corresponds to the locations of features of ZABAGED®, to which the name applies. Another group of features, above all all field and forest lots and local parts of settlements have a simplified geometry corresponding to the location of its map lettering in the state map series. The Features are represented by a vector (punctual) component with attributes containing wider information about names.
Update cycle - update state The whole dataset is updated in a three-year cycle. Updated versions are published in a month interval.
Conditions applying to access and useNo charges
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
According to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
View data Web map application
WMS service
Data download Atom service for data in FGDB format
Atom service for data in GPKG format
Export of a current extent
Pre-defined files download - selection above the map
WFS service
Contact - product informationLand Survey Office, e-mail:
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