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Points of the State network of permanent stations for precise positioning (CZEPOS)

Product information
NamePoints of the State network of permanent stations for precise positioning (CZEPOS)
Commercial code61100
Export unitpoint
Unit priceNo charges
Export formatsXHTML
Coordinate systemsS-JTSK (Ferro) / Krovak
Product descriptionThe points of CZEPOS network constitute reference points of the GNSS permanent stations, defined as the intersection of the upper surface of the aerial pedestal with vertical axis of the hole in the pedestal. The points are administered by Land Survey Office.
Update cycle - update state The points of the CZEPOS network are administred by the Department of Geodetic Control at Land Survey Office. The data about points are published by WMS Geodetic Control at the Geoportal of ČÚZK, which is available in the Geoviewer application. The data in the map service are updated weekly.
Conditions applying to access and useNo charges
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
According to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
Data about individual points are provided free of charge by the internet application Geoviewer by searching criteria and by information pages of CZEPOS
View data Web map application
WMS service
Data download Export of a current extent
WFS service
Contact - product informationLand Survey Office, e-mail:
Product last update:
Information last update: