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Map of the Czech Republic 1:1,000,000 - colour seamless

Product information
NameMap of the Czech Republic 1:1,000,000 - colour seamless
Commercial code63191
Export unitcountry
Unit priceNo charges
Export formatsTIFF
Coordinate systemsS-JTSK / Krovak East North, ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N (N-E)
Product descriptionThe Map of the Czech Republic 1:1,000,000 (MČR 1M) relates with the contents of the map of the Czech Republic 1:500,000 and is conceived as a general geographic map. It shows the entire territory of the Czech Republic on a single map sheet. The MČR 1M contains planimetry, altimetry, geographic coordinate grid, map lettering and the map legend. Planimetry consists of settlements, transportation (highways, roads, railways), hydrography (significant water courses and reservoirs), state and regional boundaries, vegetation and land surface (forests). Subject of the altimetry are elevation points. Map lettering and marginal notes consist of standard geographic names, map name and its scale with imprint data and the graphic scale, textual part of the legend geographic coordinates on the frame edges. The subjects of the map contents are coherently displayed also on the adjacent areas of neighbour states. The file data is provided in TIFF format and supplemented with TFW files for S-JTSK and ETRS89-TM33N coordinate systems.
Update cycle - update state The last edition of this map is from 2021.
Conditions applying to access and useNo charges
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
According to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
View data Web map application
WMS service
Data download Atom service
Export of a current extent
Pre-defined files download - selection above the map
Contact - product informationLand Survey Office, e-mail:
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